In the most recent issue of The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology I have an article entitled “Suffering in Revelation: The Fulfillment of the Messianic Woes.” Here’s the opening paragraph:
In Revelation, John writes as one in affliction (Rev 1:9), to churches in affliction (e.g., 2:10, 13), about the affliction that will take place before kingdom come (see esp. Rev 11–13). The contention of this essay is that John sees the affliction in which he is a “brother and fellow partaker” (1:9) as the outworking of the Messianic Woes that must be fulfilled prior to the consummation of all things. To establish this, we will begin with a summary of the indications of end times tribulation, the Messianic Woes, in Daniel, cross-pollinating this discussion with consideration of how various New Testament authors interpreted Daniel, before considering how John interprets these realities in Revelation. In this essay, I am attempting to do biblical theology by pursuing the interpretive perspective of the biblical authors. As followers of Jesus, once we understand the perspective he taught his apostles, our responsibility is to make their perspective our own.
From there the outline of the essay is as follows:
I. The Messianic Woes in Daniel and the New Testament
II. The Messianic Woes in Revelation
A. Encouragement for Those Who Suffer
B. Symbolic Timeline
III. Conclusion
You can read the article in webpage format, or download a PDF:
“Suffering in Revelation: The Fulfillment of the Messianic Woes,” SBJT 17.4 (2013): 34–47.
RT @DrJimHamilton: Suffering in the Book of Revelation: Fulfilling the Messianic Woes // GREAT article!
RT @DrJimHamilton: Suffering in the Book of Revelation: Fulfilling the Messianic Woes: John writes as one afflicted to the afflicted: http:…
Hey, off topic, but I’m glad to see the cover for “With the Clouds of Heaven” on the right! One of the benefits of being in the UK: the NSBT books always come out a few months early! 🙂
Oh, and I’ll be sure to download/read this article, which looks really good too – ha!
God bless
RT @DrJimHamilton: Suffering in the Book of Revelation: Fulfilling the Messianic Woes: John writes as one afflicted to the afflicted: http:…
@DrJimHamilton PTL! Many Congratulations Brother! Can’t wait to see it in Spanish! 🙂
Suffering in the Book of Revelation: Fulfilling the Messianic Woes — @DrJimHamilton
RT @SBTS: Suffering in the Book of Revelation: Fulfilling the Messianic Woes — @DrJimHamilton