Joe Rigney Wants You To Live Like a Narnian

Joe Rigney has a tantalizing new title, Live Like a Narnian. The table of contents did what such a thing should: made me want to read more. Here it is:

1 Deep Magic, and Deeper: Moral Law and Sacrificial Love

2 Witch’s War on Joy: Why Christmas, Feasts, and Spring’s Arrival Really Matter

3 We Will Be Who We Are Becoming: Our Direction Determines Our Destination

4 Trumpkin’s Surprising Obedience: The Difference between Giving Advice and Taking Orders

5 The Lost Art of Chivalry: Recovering the Virtues of Ferocity and Meekness

6 Folly of Nothing-Buttery: There’s Always More Than Meets the Eye

7 After Darkness, Light: Seeing Everything by the Light of the Lion

8 Parents, Educrats, and Bureaucrats: Lewis’s Subtle Assault on Progressivism

9 Breaking Enchantments with Burnt Marshwiggle: Defending the Faith against Modern Fables

10 Shasta’s Hard Lesson: Receiving the Reward for a Job Well Done

11 A Society of Self-Regard: Learning to Whistle Like a Humble Narnian

12 The Heart of the Laughing King: Learning from Lune What It Means to Be a Man

13 Tell Me Your Sorrows: Pursuing Healing through Happy Endings

14 A High and Lonely Destiny: The Dangerous Trajectory of Those Who Seek to Be Gods

15 Tirian’s Trials and Tragedy: Enduring Deep Doubt and the Soul’s Dark Night

16 The Glory of a Narnian Queen: Standing in Awe of the Peculiar Majesty of Women

Epilogue: More Narnian Hills to Explore

Appendix: A Short Q&A with the Author

Joe will be speaking at the 2013 Desiring God National Conference, and Live Like a Narnian releases this week.

A personal note: several years back, when the Hamiltons were in Houston, Joe Rigney contacted me because he was going to be passing through Houston to visit family. It fell out that the only time our schedules worked was when I was going to be laying insulation in our attic. Joe Rigney came over to help, and would you believe it, that attic full of insulation began to smell like Narnia! Joe is one of those curious, thoughtful, humble, loving, servant-hearted men who are a joy to be around, even if you’re trying to keep fiberglass out of fingers and lungs. This brother’s a blessing, and I think his book will bless you.

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