Go to the Ant

Proverbs 6:6, “Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.”

Some time back we watched some video with the kids, probably a BBC thing on the world or something of the sort, and I noted down some stats on what ants accomplish–these were ants in Africa, I think, but I don’t remember their exact location or what kind of ants they were. Their accomplishments are impressive:

  • The ant “megalopolis” was built of the equivalent of 10 tons of cement.
  • The ant megalopolis covered 50 square meters.
  • Forty tons of soil was moved in the construction project.
  • Each load carried by an ant weighed 4 times as much as the worker carrying the load.

UPDATE: Patrick Schreiner has the video:

Well spoken, Solomon.

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