2 replies on “Do You Control Your Phone or Does It Control You?”

  1. Best line – “Don’t be naive.”

    When I think back on my own upbringing, the thought that haunts me the most is the hard-working laissez faire approach of my father.

    This may sound like an oxymoron, but it’s fairly accurate. My parents were the most godly parents I knew. They taught us the Bible, they constantly brought to our attention the work of the Lord in their lives, and they prayed for us night and day, literally. There were few mornings that I did not come down stairs in the early AM and did not see my dad kneeling at the couch with his Bible open, interceding for us.

    Besides this, we didn’t have a TV, nor were we allowed to ‘go to the movies’. Everything was set up to encourage godliness and discourage debauchary.

    What father has spent more time in prayer for his sons than mine?

    And yet, in the formative Junior/Senior High days, I think my dad may have assumed the best, thinking that we had been pointed in the right direction. There was not a whole lot of personal interaction, where we would be molded into the men he wanted us to be. Hugs, YES! Praise, YES! But there wasn’t a whole lot of sitting with us, as a group, or as individual sons, where he would wrestle with our indwelling sin and pluck us out of the fire.

    A father who supplies his son with an iPhone, without also setting his face like flint to be ten-times more involved in the lives of his son strikes me as worse than naive, he is a fool. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but we for our flesh and blood, against an enemy who has been at this for 6000 years! We would be fools not to acknowledge that he has improved upon his tactics in that time.

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