Congrats to Gentry and Wellum on Kingdom through Covenant

I am delighted that the UPS man just dropped this book at our house.

Heartiest congratulations to Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum on their book, Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants.

I’m thrilled to see this in print, and I’m excited about the discussion of this book and my own God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology that will take place at ETS this fall.

Here are the details on the session:

3:00 PM-6:10 PM
Frontier Airlines Center — 102 E
Biblical Theology (Invited): Recent Whole-Bible Biblical Theologies

Stephen G. Dempster
Crandall University

3:00 PM—3:40pm
Jim Hamilton
Southern Seminary
Why “God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology”?

Peter J. Gentry
Southern Seminary
Kingdom through Covenant and the Glory of God

Steve Wellum
Southern Seminary
From Biblical to Systematic Theology: What “Kingdom through Covenant” is Seeking to Contribute

Mark Boda
McMaster Divinity College, McMaster University
Response to James M. Hamilton’s God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology

Elmer A. Martens
Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary
Response to Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum’s Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants

5:30pm—6:10 PM
Panel Discussion

Mark Boda
McMaster Divinity College, McMaster University

Stanley K. Fowler
Heritage Theological Seminary

Peter J. Gentry
Southern Seminary

Jim Hamilton
Southern Seminary

Elmer A. Martens
Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary

Steve Wellum
Southern Seminary

Craig Carter
Tyndale College, Toronto


I am honored to serve alongside Professors Gentry and Wellum. I don’t consider myself worthy of their company, to say nothing of Tom Schreiner’s, who having written a Pauline Theology and a New Testament Theology will soon bring out his own Whole-Bible Theology.

Other single volume attempts at Whole Bible Biblical Theology include the following:

Geerhardus Vos, Biblical Theology, 1948

Willem Vangemeren, The Progress of Redemption, 1988

Brevard Childs, Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments, 1993

Charles H. H. Scobie, The Ways of Our God, 2003

Reinhard Feldmeier and Hermann Spieckermann, God of the Living, 2011

My book appeared in 2010, Gentry and Wellum’s appears now in 2012, and Schreiner’s The King in His Beauty is set to appear in 2013. That means that three of the four larger (600+pg) evangelical attempts at Whole Bible Biblical Theology published in this century have been written by members of the faculty of Southern Seminary.

If you’re interested in biblical theology, let me invite you to check out SBTS. This a great place to study.

15 replies on “Congrats to Gentry and Wellum on Kingdom through Covenant”

  1. Professor Hamilton, did you order through Amazon? I’m just wondering because I pre-ordered it back in March 19 via amazon but it still hasn’t shipped yet. Thanks!

    1. Elliot, I was wondering the same thing. I just heard from Amazon yesterday saying that I could cancel my order because they did not know when they would be able to fill it! I placed my order in April I believe.

  2. Amen and amen! I am gratefully indebted to Schreiner, Gentry, Wellum, and you for teaching me (and modeling through preaching) how the whole Bible hangs and fits together as a gloriously diverse unity that proclaims God’s glory in Christ.

  3. I am so trilled to hear about “The King in His Beauty”! Please continue to keep us posted!

    Also, as soon as I have some expendable income, I want to dive into Kingdom Through Covenant… very much looking forward to it as well. Praise God for Southern Seminary!

  4. Jim,

    I know you weren’t attempting to be exhaustive with your list at the end, but I certainly think Graeme Goldsworthy’s “According to Plan” should be on the list.

    In Christ,

  5. Hi Dr. Hamilton. With Dr. Schreiner having a Theology on Paul, a NT Theology, and a forthcoming ‘Whole Bible Theology’ would you recommend all three? Or would you think I should wait for his newest release? I’d love to get all three of course, but I’m just wondering if there is a significant overlap of content?

  6. Looking forward to the ETS panel this Fall. Hope I can make it!

    Thankful to be studying at a place like SBTS where so many men are seeking to interpret the whole counsel of God. A true pleasure.

  7. Walter Kaiser’s Promise Plan of God should qualify as a whole bible theology. Plus Kaiser is considered EFCA’s greatest Old Testament Theologian.

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