Carl Trueman Signs Off at Themelios

I share D. A. Carson’s admiration and appreciation of Carl Trueman, which Carson expresses at the end of his Themelios editorial published today:

Long-time readers of Themelios will remember that the final years of the paper version of this journal were among its best. Carl Trueman was then Themelios’s capable editor. When the journal became exclusively digital under the auspices of The Gospel Coalition, Carl graciously stayed on to write a column each issue—doubtless among the first thing that readers turned to. We announce with regret that Carl is stepping down and acknowledge with gratitude his singular contribution. Soli Deo gloria.

May the redirection of Trueman’s energies bear much fruit.

3 replies on “Carl Trueman Signs Off at Themelios”

  1. I’d say it’s mainly that Trueman just works his butt off in a lot of different areas and just does not have the time to continue with themelios. He wears many hats, including pulpit supply preaching frequently and writing a weekly sermon is a tough enough job in itself, (and he excels in the work), let alone his fine Reformation 21 work and his many church speaking engagements.

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