Congrats to Stinson and Jones on “Trained in the Fear of God”

Do you have questions about Family Ministry?

You’ll want to thank Randy Stinson and Timothy Paul Jones for editing Trained in the Fear of God: Family Ministry in Theological, Historical, and Practical Perspective.

Don’t miss this book. Here’s the Table of Contents:

Foreword by Richard Ross

Introduction: The Problem with Family Ministry, Bryan Nelson with Timothy Paul Jones

  1. That the Coming Generation Might Praise the Lord: Family Discipleship in the Old Testament, James M. Hamilton Jr.
  2. Bring Them Up in the Discipline and Instruction of the Lord: Family Discipleship among the First Christians, Robert L. Plummer
  3. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: The Trinity as Theological Foundation for Family Ministry, Bruce A. Ware
  4. Male and Female, He Created Them: Gender Roles and Relationships in Biblical Perspective, Randy Stinson
  5. The Compassion of Truth: Homosexuality in Biblical Perspective, R. Albert Mohler Jr.
  6. Among Your Company at Home: Family Discipleship in Late Ancient and Medieval Churches, C. Michael Wren Jr.
  7. The Home Is an Earthly Kingdom: Family Discipleship among Reformers and Puritans, C. Jeffrey Robinson Sr.
  8. The Challenge of Matriarchy: Family Discipleship and the African American Experience, Kevin L. Smith
  9. Growing Gaps from Generation to Generation: Family Discipleship in Modern and Postmodern Contexts, W. Ryan Steenburg with Timothy Paul Jones
  10. The Pastor’s Home as Paradigm for the Church’s Family Ministry, David Prince
  11. Habits of a Gospel-Centered Household, Peter R. Schemm Jr.
  12. Building a Milestone Ministry in Your Church, Brian Haynes
  13. Why Your Child’s Brain Needs Family Ministry, George Willard Cochran Jr. and Brian C. Richardson
  14. Family Ministry, the Priority or a Priority? Lilly Park
  15. The Freedom of Christ and the Unforseen Consequences of Feminism, Carolyn McCulley
  16. Building and Equipping Missional Families, Michael S. Wilder
  17. Making the Transition to Family-Equipping Ministry, Jay Strother

Afterword by Daniel L. Akin

Get your copy here: Trained in the Fear of God: Family Ministry in Theological, Historical, and Practical Perspective.

My contribution to the volume is available free in previously published format: “That the Coming Generation Might Praise the Lord,” Journal of Family Ministry 1.1 (2010): 10-17.

Laying out the role family discipleship plays in the wider context of biblical theology, I also chart some connections between Deuteronomy 6 and 17 and what Solomon is teaching in Proverbs. By teaching Deuteronomy in Proverbs, Solomon is following the pattern established by his father David: the pattern of the king of Israel, father of his people teaching Deuteronomy 6, obeying the instructions for the king in Deuteronomy 17, and meditating on the Torah day and night a la Psalm 1.

Incidentally, I think noting the way that Solomon presents himself as an installment in this pattern is one of the most legitimate ways to argue that a book like Proverbs is messianic.

6 replies on “Congrats to Stinson and Jones on “Trained in the Fear of God””

  1. I purchased this book when I attended the Church & Home Conference in August. It is an excellent resource as was the conference! I am thankful for the experience/expertise of these men and others in the field of family ministry.

  2. “I think noting the way that Solomon presents himself as an installment in this pattern is one of the most legitimate ways to argue that a book like Proverbs is messianic.”

    I would like to hear you expound on this.


    1. I think there’s a start in the linked essay, and it’s also in God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment – would love to know what you think!

      1. Jim,
        Are you familiar with Chris Ansberry’s work on Proverbs? He did a PhD at Wheaton under Dr Block on the courtly nature of Proverbs (basically arguing that the book of Proverbs in an instruction manual for young men in the royal circles and ultimately the king). Sounds a lot like what you’re saying, and I’ve latched on to Ansberry’s argument as one of the strongest messianic links in Proverbs:

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