Pray for Said Musa

Patrick Schreiner recently posted this:

Here is the beginning of Clifford May’s article on the persecution of Christians in National Review.  The subtitle says it all: “the most important story not being told.”

Imagine if Muslims in Europe were being arrested for nothing more than peacefully practicing their religion. Imagine if Muslims in South America were being sentenced to death for “insulting” Jesus. Imagine if mosques were being bombed and burned by terrorists in a growing list of Christian-majority countries.

Now here’s what you don’t need to imagine because it is all too real: In recent days, Christian churches have been bombed in Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria, and the Philippines. In Indonesia a mob of 1,000 Muslims burned down two Christian churches because, according to one commentator, local Islamic authorities determined there were “too many faithful and too many prayers.” In Iran, scores of Christians have been arrested. In Pakistan, a Christian woman received the death penalty for the “crime” of insulting Islam; the governor of Punjab promised to pardon her — and was then assassinated for the “crime” of blasphemy.

I could provide dozens more examples of the persecution and, in many cases, “cleansing” of Christians in what we have come to call the Muslim world. If the situation were reversed, if such a war were being waged against Muslims, it would be the top story in every newspaper, the most urgent item at the U.N., the highest priority of all the big-league human-rights groups.

What we have instead is denial.

The hypocrisy is Satanic.

Denny Burk has this on the latest example:

If you haven’t done so already, please pray for Said Musa who awaits execution in a prison in Kabul, Afghanistan. His crime? Converting to Christianity from Islam. Said Musa is married and the father of six young children. He has been a Christian for eight years. Compass Direct News reports:

“In the two-page letter, a copy of which Compass received in late October, Musa addressed Obama as ‘brother’ and pleaded with the international community: ‘For [the] sake [of the] Lord Jesus Christ please pray for me and rescue me from this jail otherwise they will kill me because I know they [have] very very very cruel and hard hearts.’

“Musa wrote of being sexually abused, beaten, mocked, spat on and deprived of sleep because of his faith in Jesus. He wrote that he would be willing to suffer for his faith in order to encourage and strengthen other Christians in their faith.”

After you pray if you have a Twitter account, please post one of the following messages to President Obama:

Mr. President, speak wisely and boldly, in private if necessary, for Said Musa, imprisoned in Kabul. @BarackObama

Mr. President, please persuade the Afghan govt. not to execute our brother Said Musa. @BarackObama Prov. 24:10-12

Read more here:

“Afghan Convert to Christianity to be Executed within Days” (The Christian Post)

“One-legged Afghan Red Cross worker set to be hanged after converting to Christianity” (The Daily Mail)

4 replies on “Pray for Said Musa”

  1. Compelling post. Thanks for letting us know how we can help our brother in Afghanistan.

    I don’t know how Twitter works for something like this: Will President Obama or at least staff at the White House receive the Twitter message if we send it as this post instructs?

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