Congrats to Grant Osborne on his ZECNT Matthew

Grant R. Osborne’s commentary on Matthew in the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament recently appeared.

This massive study will be a huge help to those studying to preach and teach Matthew. I’ve only dipped in, but I see that he rightly sees typological fulfillment in view when Matthew quotes the OT with fulfillment formulas.

Here’s an anecdote from the recent ETS meeting in Atlanta: Andy Naselli was presenting his paper, and at the beginning he very humbly noted Grant Osborne’s presence in the room. Andy greeted Osborne, told him that he loved him, and told him that with all due respect his presentation was arguing against the position that Osborne has espoused in print.

So here is a Andy, who is about 30 years old, arguing against Osborne’s position. I don’t know Osborne’s age, but he has probably been teaching longer than Naselli has been alive! At the end of Naselli’s fine presentation, Osborne raised his hand to comment. I would imagine that at that point Andy felt a bit nervous. With remarkable humility, Osborne told Andy that he had convinced him.

Andy thanked Osborne for his example of humility and kindness, and Osborne commented that this instance proves that in order to write you have to be willing to be wrong.

I relate this episode to note the power of humility. Osborne’s willingness to change his mind in light of the evidence doesn’t make me want to read him less but more! Those who can change their minds can learn, and those who can learn can teach.

I have profited much from Osborne’s stellar work on Revelation, and I expect to find much help from this volume on Matthew in the years to come.

Congratulations, Professor Osborne, and thanks for your exemplary life and work!



3 replies on “Congrats to Grant Osborne on his ZECNT Matthew”

  1. Hey Dr. Hamilton,
    This is such a great story. I feel like I know Osborne from reading his work over the years and I have imagined that he is a warm person, so this makes me smile. I would like to read Naselli’s paper. Is it online? Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

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