Jason D. Mirikitani, Mile Marker 825

In this picture you see me and my friend Jason Mirikitani running the White Rock Marathon in Dallas, TX back in 1997. He looks happy and strong, and I’m suffering to finish! That brother carried be through that day. He stayed by me when he could have gone on ahead, finished the race, and gotten off his feet sooner. He laid down his life and suffered with me to help me finish. Praise God for such a friend!

Just under ten years ago, this dear brother was in a tragic accident. The delight of his eyes, his young wife of just over 3 years, was killed. He was in critical condition. Thankfully, their one year old baby was unhurt.

Miraculously, he lived. Miraculously, he walked again. Miraculously, he continued to trust God and give him glory. Jason is a miracle of God. He recently finished a degree at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.

My dear friend Jason has now given us his story of faith being refined and purified through much affliction. Here is a modern day Job. I commend this book to you: Mile Marker 825: A Widower’s Survival and Resurrected Hope.

Christmas is just around the corner. This would be a great encouragement for a believer facing trials, and it’s a great testimony of God’s mercy and power for those considering the claims of Christianity.

Here’s the blurb I wrote for the book:

Peter likened tested faith to gold refined by fire. Jason Mirikitani’s faith has been refined by suffering, and now through smoke and flame he testifies. Praise be to the mighty God who sustained him in all his woe, and praise God we get to read the story.”

I received my copy on Friday, and my parents were in town this weekend. My mom picked up the book and didn’t put it down until she had finished the whole thing.

You can check out Jason’s website, or go to the book’s where you can download chapter one (put your cursor over the image of the book’s cover).

Or you can go straight to Amazon to get your copy, which I highly recommend you do.

5 replies on “Jason D. Mirikitani, Mile Marker 825”

  1. Thanks for sharing, Jimbo. It was a great story of recovery, and faith in God’s faithful way of helping us survive the horrible things that happen.

  2. I had the distinct privilege of knowing (and even playing some music with) Jill Mirikitani – a spunky, joyful, lovely, gifted lady. She suffered various trials of her own, but oh, how she shone with the Savior’s love. I can’t wait to read of God’s continued work.

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