Thinking about Chiasms?

Rod Decker has posted a review of what looks like a helpful dissertation.

Craig A. Smith, “Criteria for identifying Chiasm of Design in New Testament Literature: Objective means of distinguishing chiasm of design from accidental and false chiasm,” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Bristol, 2009.

The review summarizes the argument and contribution of the dissertation, which is helpful for those of us who think we see chiasms in the biblical text, and anyone thinking about writing a dissertation can learn much from the way that a dissertation like this one is evaluated.

It looks like the dissertation will be available at the EThOS site (requires free registration) in 30 days or so.

2 replies on “Thinking about Chiasms?”

  1. I too love studying chiasms of the Bible. Each time I read through either the Old or New Testament, it seems that I find another verse or verses that are given added meaning when looked at from the standpoint of literary structure. For the same reason that you have written this blog, I wrote Joshua’s Spiritual Warfare: Understanding the Chiasms of Joshua; so that people of all sorts can enjoy this as well.

    Would you like a free copy of this book? I am offering a free copy to anyone that is willing to write about this book on their blog. See for more details.

    Tom Clarke

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