Douglas Wilson on Worldview and Preaching

Douglas Wilson makes an offhand comment that is worth further thought regarding:

what makes up a worldview in the first place (dogma, narrative, symbol, and liturgy),

Narrative–biblical theology; Dogma–systematic theology and catechesis; Symbol–art, architecture, etc; Liturgy–the expression of dogma, narrative, and symbol in worship. More to think on here.

In the previous post, Wilson prescribes some good medicine for preachers:

Preachers need to remember that the way to the heart is through the head, but the preacher is to take that route and drive toward the heartwithout stopping. Too many turn aside at the head to eat bread and drink water, and that is why a lion kills them (1 Kings 13:9-10).

Too many preachers wrestle with a point in their messages far too long, as though they were Jacob and that particular point were the angel of the Lord — and so they cry out, “I will not let you go!” (Gen. 32:26).

Unregenerate man is a profanity. Too many evangelical ministers preach as though that condition were an inconvenience, or a mere disqualification for entry into the club. But real preaching overturns tables in the court of the Gentiles (Mark 11:17). Real preaching messes with the profanation.

God help us.

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