Happy Birthday to John Calvin! Celebrate with Robert Godfrey’s Book

Tomorrow is the the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin, I suggest you give yourself a present for Calvin’s birthday: Robert W. Godfrey’s John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor.

For a long time I’ve looked for a Calvin biography that would stand with Bainton’s biography of Luther, Here I Stand, and I’m hopeful that Godfrey’s book on Calvin might rise to that stature.

Praise God for the reformation, and praise God for those who led it. May the word they preached prosper in our mouths as it did in theirs.

One reply on “Happy Birthday to John Calvin! Celebrate with Robert Godfrey’s Book”

  1. Dr. Hamilton I was curious if you have read the Selderhuis volume “John Calvin-A Pilgrim’s Life”? I have been reading (rather slowly) and enjoying it.

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