Seven Reasons You Should Read Tom Schreiner’s New Testament Theology

1) More than any other reason, you should read this book because it will help you understand the Bible, which will help you know God as he is revealed in Jesus by the power of the Spirit.

2) Schreiner’s massive knowledge of texts in context will inspire you to know your Bible better.

3) The way that Schreiner situates texts in both near and broad context will help you understand both the New and Old Testaments as you continually study your Bible.

4) Schreiner’s impressive command of scholarly literature will spur you to pay better and closer attention to the things that other scholars say about the Bible.

5) Schreiner’s incisive comments on a myriad of scholarly debates, places where he describes some scholarly dispute then carefully navigates what can be known and/or takes a decisive stand will inspire you to pursue the balance of recognizing the limits of knowledge while having the backbone to take a position.

6) Schreiner’s willingness to criticize arguments that would support conservative positions will encourage you to evaluate arguments on the basis of their strength and merit rather than on the basis of whether or not you prefer the conclusion the argument supports.

7) This may sound like #2, but it is actually slightly different: reading this book will make you want to go back to your Bible to read and re-read it with more care and attention.

                3 replies on “Seven Reasons You Should Read Tom Schreiner’s New Testament Theology”

                1. I am reading it now. I recommend it be used alongside of Carson’s and Moo’s “Introduction to the New Testament.”

                  This is a great text… Dr. Schreiner’s best work!


                2. Just started reading it… it reads really well and can see the value of this work in the hands of students about to go through any course work involving Systematic Theology. Looking back, I wish I would have had this before working through Berkhof :).


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