Tom Schreiner’s Sermon from This Morning

My mentor, Dr. Tom Schreiner, preached a sermon this morning at Kenwood Baptist Church to install me as pastor there. It was a strong word from 1 Timothy 4:10-16. May the Lord seal it to my heart and bless you with it:

1 Timothy 4:10-16, Tom Schreiner: Installation Service for Jim Hamilton

2 replies on “Tom Schreiner’s Sermon from This Morning”

  1. I listened to this sermon while working out this morning and was incredibly encouraged and challenged as a Christian and as someone who aspires to pastoral ministry. What an important word about pastors being Christians first and teacher/preachers second. I pray and am confident that Dr. Hamilton will honor these words.

  2. Congratulations on your installation! I have never met Dr. Schreiner, but have read many of the things that he has written. I appreciated his message to you and the church.

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