It will be sad to say goodbye . . .

Our brothers and sisters at Redeemer are hosting a going away party. If you’re in the area and want to join us, we would love to see you. The details are on my dear brother Travis Cardwell’s blog here.

Because Travis’s post says such nice things about us, I must note that every good thing that could be said about us is due to the sheer mercy of God. We have nothing that we have not received. Praise God that he uses beggars like us, for whom, by God’s grace and mercy, everything is so much better than we deserve.


4 replies on “It will be sad to say goodbye . . .”

  1. Jim,

    I want to say publicly (well, at least here) how great a ministry you have had in Houston. You’ve touched many lives, mine included.

    I’m sad that I won’t be able to make the reception in your honor, but it’s really – in part – your own fault. You see, that night I’ll be moderating a members’ meeting at my church. And during that meeting we’ll be presenting to the congregation a new church covenant and an amended bylaw outlining biblical church membership. This has been a four year process, and all along the way you have been one of my greatest encouragers.

    I’m thankful to the Lord for you. He is merciful.

    For the King!

  2. So, don’t say goodbye, just say “til we all meet again. Thanks for your great teaching and ministry. God be with you and yours!

  3. I also regret not being able to come tomorrow night. Hope you know you’ll be missed.

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