1 & 2 Peter and Jude by David R. Helm

Great preaching is inspiring. When I hear or read great preaching, it makes me want to preach. I often benefit from listening to inspiring preaching in my car on the way to school to teach–listening to John Piper fires me up, reminds me of all that is at stake, points me to the greatness of God’s mercy in Christ, and stimulates my thinking. All of this makes me eager to serve God’s people with urgent love for them and the Lord Jesus by proclaiming the Bible to them and praying the Lord to send the Spirit to set it on fire.

As I’ve mentioned recently, if you’re preaching or teaching a particular book, it is a great help to have your thoughts stimulated by someone else’s efforts to preach that part of Scripture.

The latest installment of the Preaching the Word commentary series arrived on my doorstep last night, and when I read the first two or three sermons in this volume, they made me want to preach! Praise God for the help in good books! Anyone preaching, teaching, or studying 1 Peter, 2 Peter, or Jude should get their hands on this book to have the soil of the mind fertilized by the able proclamation modeled for us by David Helm.

You may know David Helm from his work on The Big Picture Story Bible–if you have kids and don’t have The Big Picture Story Bible, you need to buy it right now and enjoy it with your children. Helm is also the executive director of The Simeon Trust, which Kent Hughes described when Mark Dever interviewed him.

I would also request that those of you who are in the habit of asking the Lord to bless things would beseech him to help me as I work on the commentary on Revelation for this series. If you happen to hear me preach sometime in the next few years, chances are it will be on Revelation, and Lord willing those sermons will take their place among the other volumes in the Preaching the Word series.

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