Julius Brown Gay Lecture at SBTS

I am humbled and honored by the opportunity to deliver a Julius Brown Gay Lecture at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


If you’re in Louisville and find the topic interesting, it would be a joy to see you there (particularly if we know each other from my time in Louisville!). 

Otherwise, please pray for me as I prepare my remarks on “The Typology of David’s Rise to Power: Messianic Patterns in the Book of Samuel.”
Soli Deo gloria

7 replies on “Julius Brown Gay Lecture at SBTS”

  1. Jim,

    I look forward to seeing you again — and hearing what I’m sure will be a thoughtful and well-prepared address of biblical theology. I hope your time of preparation is as much a blessing to you as I’m sure the final address will be to us.

  2. Jim,

    Excellent news. I’m sure you’ll do a bang-up job. Of course, I never thought it would be possible to associate the word “Gay” with Southern Seminary in a positive way!!!


  3. I look forward to seeing you and sitting under your teaching. May God richly bless you as you prepare for this lecture, for the glory of Christ and good of his church.

  4. Jim,

    Congratulations. You have certainly earned the right to be heard by those of us who try to do Biblical Theology. I hope that all goes well.


  5. I wish I could make this lecture. Unfortunately, Schreiner’s syntax class is during the time of your lecture and I doubt he will let us go due to a couple of bad weather days already. I am sure it will be helpful though, and I bet they will record it. God bless.

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