Calvin to a Fellow Pastor, and some good sermons on 1 Timothy

When John Calvin was exiled from Geneva in 1538, he wrote back to another Pastor still preaching in Geneva:

Above all, do you seriously consider that you are engaged in the discharge of an office, which, as it excels every other, so it is the most dangerous of all, if you do apply yourself with the utmost diligence and intensity to the duties belonging to it. If you care for my approval, I would forewarn you of this one thing, that I require no more of you than that you devote yourself sincerely and faithfully to the Lord.

From Lester De Koster’s Light for the City: Calvin’s Preaching, Source of Life and Liberty, 14.

1 Timothy has much to say about the church and its pastors, and I commend to you the sermons that Travis Cardwell has preached on Paul’s first letter to Timothy. You can find them here.

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