5 replies on “Sick of the Smut on Billboards”

  1. Thank you for the example you set by your passionate repugnance to the display and advertisement of filth on the roadways. I pray I will be able to emulate your passion…

  2. I noted the names of the billboard companies–often the billboard will have the name of its owner somewhere on the thing. What I noticed, though, is that the companies don’t always put their name on the billboard if they’re advertising smut on it. Once as I passed a smutty billboard, I turned to look at the other side of it–the side of the billboard you see from the other direction–and it wasn’t advertising smut and sure enough there was the company’s name.

    I wasn’t sure who owned all the smutty billboards, so I contacted every company that I had noted. One of the companies denied selling ad space to such businesses. I emailed asking if they knew who was selling this ad space to these businesses, and that person gave me the names and cell phone numbers of the local folks in charge. . .

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