I’m grateful that The Gospel Coalition put up an excerpt from What Is Biblical Theology? Here’s the opening:
What is biblical theology?
I use the phrase biblical theology to refer to the interpretive perspective of the biblical authors. So what is an “interpretive perspective”? It’s the framework of assumptions and presuppositions, associations and identifications, truths, and symbols that are taken for granted as an author or speaker describes the world and the events that take place in it.
The rest.
@DrJimHamilton @TGC Reading it with my wife at night as a part of family worship. Thanks for this gift!
RT @DrJimHamilton: You can “test drive” my book What Is Biblical Theology? by reading the excerpt @TGC: http://t.co/wtjul8Z9BF
RT @DrJimHamilton: You can “test drive” my book What Is Biblical Theology? by reading the excerpt @TGC: http://t.co/wtjul8Z9BF