Brad Mann Sings the National Anthem

When I was a PhD student here at SBTS from 2000–2003, we were members at Clifton Baptist Church. It was a joy to sit under Tom Schreiner’s preaching and be led in worship by Chip Stam. One of my favorite things was to interact with Brad Mann and hear him sing. There were times when I would watch Brad sing in the choir in worship, and I would rejoice that one day he will see the Lord Jesus face to face.

My friend Brad Mann is blind, but that brother can sing. He recently had the opportunity to sing the National Anthem before a UofL basketball game at the KFC Yum Center, and he brought down the house. Watch it here:

4 replies on “Brad Mann Sings the National Anthem”

  1. Sometimes if Brad were singing behind me during worship, I couldn’t help but pause and take note of his range. Honestly, made me chuckle more than a time or two. Such a great guy. He truly loves the Lord with all his heart.

  2. Thanks for the post. Brings back great memories. I loved visiting with Brad at Clifton.

  3. Jim, thanks for the post. Helen and I watched it this morning and were so happy to reminded of our days at Clifton and of Brad’s voice (and piano playing, though not, of course, in the video). Did you ever hear Brad doing Elvis? He was pretty good. Blessings.

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