5 replies on “Is Biblical Theology a Bridge?”

    1. “Biblical Theology and Preaching,” pages 193–218 in Text Driven Preaching: God’s Word at the Heart of Every Sermon, ed. Daniel L. Akin, David L. Allen, and Ned L. Mathews. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2010.

      If you go to the “Articles and Essays” page on this site, you’ll find a link to it there,


  1. I’m not sure bridge is the right concept either, though I’ve been happy with thinking of biblical theology as a foundation (i.e., the premise) upon which systematics is built. If the foundation is faulty, the weight of the systematic structure will not be supported.

  2. Absolutely wonderful post and article to consider as I work wrestle with understanding the intention of the authors of several recent biblical theologies as well as potential doctoral studies after the MDiv!

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