6 replies on “Why Pursue a More Liturgical Form of Worship?”

  1. Jim,
    Thanks for putting into words what many of us are thinking and hoping/striving for! Keep up the good work!


  2. Perhaps one of the problems of modern Evangelicalism is not its view of the sacraments, but its constant pursuit of simplicity. We have abandoned solid biblical preaching without embracing mystery. Therefore, we have little room for the complexity and intricacy of faith and life and God.

    No need for Hebrew. No need for Greek. Psychology will do instead of theology. Powerpoint will do instead of syntax, grammar, logic, and imagination. Everything must be understood or it should be left undisturbed. Our fascination with dynamic equivalent translations and paraphrase demonstrates our passion to reduce the complex to a few simple concepts.

    I’m not sure the solution to all this is high church. Let’s give ourselves to high preaching and teaching for the next fifty years and see what fruit we find.

  3. Dr. Hamilton,

    Do you think we should take the Eucharist every week at Sunday service? If yes, why? If not, why not? Do you believe it should be the climax, or focus, of worship? Should it be taken prior to, or after the sermon? What about the reading of God’s Word? How closely should we follow the liturgy of Chrysostom, or Basil? I’d love your thoughts and ideas.

    Looking forward to your response.

  4. Ben,

    I’m a primitivist, by which I mean that I think we ought to try to do what the NT churches did (churches described in the NT).

    It seems to me that Acts 20:7 indicates that they took communion every Sunday. This is merely an example, not a stated command, so I wouldn’t be dogmatic about it.

    Another indication in this direction would be Paul’s language about them taking the Lord’s Supper when they “come together” in 1 Corinthians 11, followed by the hint that they come together on the Lord’s Day in 1 Corinthians 16–the hint is that they should give money on that day. . . Again, slight evidence, but evidence nonetheless.

    I’m not sure the text addresses where it happens in worship. As for its centrality, it seems to me that the Lord’s Supper is a celebration of the fact that Jesus died for our sins. His body was broken, and his blood was shed, and we proclaim his death over us when we eat and drink. I would hope that this would be central to all Christian worship, even when the congregation isn’t explicitly taking the Lord’s Supper.

    On the reading, I’m just following 1 Tim 4:13. I think how much is read or what passages is indifferent. It just needs to be read.

    I’m not familiar with either of the liturgies you mention. Where are those described?



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