Laus Deo Interview

Lord willing, I’ll be joining Dr. Paul Wolfe on his weekly radio program, Laus Deo (Praise to God) Sunday afternoon, August 12, from 4pm to 5pm (CST). I believe the plan is to discuss my book, God’s Indwelling Presence.

You can listen by tuning into FamilyNet Christian Radio Channel 161 (satellite radio), you can call in, or you can download the program and listen later.

2 replies on “Laus Deo Interview”

  1. Jim,

    How did the interview go? I can’t seem to make firefox work to hear it.
    By the way, thanks for the endorsement. My students were impressed with me that I knew you.

    Oh well. . .always a bridesmaid, never a bride.


  2. Jeff,

    Thanks for your note! I don’t think they have the interview on the web yet. It went pretty well. An hour goes by fast, and we had some people who wanted to talk about the ending of Mark 16 and other charismatic stuff, and those issues kind of got us side tracked. . .

    Thank your students for reading my blog!


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