9News on Elders

The February edition of 9News is now available. Here is the table of contents:


forum tableA Pastors’ and Theologians’ Forum
We asked a roundtable of pastors and theologians one question:

“What lessons have you learned the hard way in selecting elders?”

Answers from John MacArthur, Michael Lawrence, Phil Newton, “Ed Roberts,” Sinclair Ferguson, Bruce Keisling, Philip Pedley, Sir Fred Catherwood, Thomas Schreiner, and Alexander Strauch

Deliberate ChurchLooking For A Few Good Men (from The Deliberate Church)
How do you go about looking for elders, and what exactly is it that you’re looking for?
By Mark Dever and Paul Alexander

Justin TaylorUnbelief in an Elder’s Children—Exegesis
What if a man’s children are “unbelieving”? Does Titus 1:6 bar him from serving as an elder?
By Justin Taylor

matt schmuckerUnbelief in an Elder’s Children—Practice
Following up on Justin Taylor’s exegetical discussion, Matt Schmucker answers some practical questions about putting this exegesis to work.
An Interview with Matt Schmucker


burk parsonsElecting Elders
Who should do the nominating? Who should be nominated?
By Burk Parsons

Ben MerkleShould Elders Be Ordained?
You’ve heard the language of “ordination.” Is it biblical?
By Benjamin Merkle

Elder Vows Sample
Here’s a list of vows one church uses to install an elder.


Multi-State RevolutionBook Review:
The Multi-Site Church Revolution
by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon, and Warren Bird

Reviewed by John Hammett

went to marketBook Review:
This Little Church Went to Market
This Little Church Stayed Home
by Gary Gilley

Reviewed by Flynn Cratty

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