My Friend Denny Designed My New Header!

My dear friend Denny Burk blessed me with a new header image for my blog, and I’m publicly thanking him and praising God for his friendship! Hallelujah!

The image above was taken when I was 18 years old playing shortstop for Jacksonville Arkansas’s American Legion team sponsored by Gwatney Chevrolet.

Thanks Denny!

5 replies on “My Friend Denny Designed My New Header!”

  1. Dear Bro-hound,

    Thanks for the shout-out. The most amazing thing about your new header is that you were 18 years old when that picture was taken. The amazing thing is how little you have changed. You look now pretty much the same way you looked then. When you go back to your high school reunion, you won’t have to deal with the grief that goes along with contrasting images such as the following:

    Blessings on you, brother. 🙂

    Much luf,

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