A Call to Reformation: Introduction

I have been trying to think for a while now about what is needed in the average Southern Baptist Church. I am in the process of trying to write A Call to Reformation: A Plea for Christian Teaching in Southern Baptist Churches. I am posting what I have so far in the way of an Introduction to the project. At the end there are descriptions of what I think each chapter will contain. I have the intro and the first two chapters done. More will be posted soon. . .

4 replies on “A Call to Reformation: Introduction”

  1. Great stuff!! Why just limit it to SBC? This is something bible believing Christians need to hear, whether in a denominational church or an independent local church. I do not belong to a SBC church, but I and others see the same things in our church and othes around us that you point out in this article. So I say, please consider addressing this to a wider audience. The body of Christ needs to hear this message!

    mel feldsbar

  2. As a fellow Southern Baptist I join you in prayer for a reformation in our convention; one built upon yet deeper than the mantra of inerrancy. What an encouragement to know God has placed you in one of our seminaries. You will be in my regular prayers and blog reads!

  3. Interesting- I have read the various posts and look forward to the future ones. It has been awhile since I have been immersed in “evangelical” rather than “Evangelical” discussions. Curious- What is the function of the Gospel for the Christian? I read a lot of law and demands, and even the statement that a “believer-only” church need not focus on Gospel presentation and altar calls, but no mention of how the Gospel functions in the life of the Christian. This interests me because of the centrality of Law-Gospel in Lutheran faith and practice.

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